
Explore 229 quotes from the 1860s

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Mill, John Stuart. "The Subjection of Women." On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited by Mark Philp and Frederick Rosen. Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 1.

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Arnold, Matthew. "Thyrsis." Macmillan's Magazine, 1866.

Current Citation

Arnold, Matthew. "Thyrsis (1866)." Dover Beach and Other Poems. Dover Publications, 2012.

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Ward, Artemus. "Brigham Young's Palace." 1869, Egyptian Hall, London, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

Eliot, George. Felix Holt, the Radical. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1866, ch. 18.

Current Citation

Eliot, George. Felix Holt, the Radical, edited by Lynda Mugglestone. Penguin Classics, 1995, ch. 18.

Tell me the old, old story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and his glory,
Of Jesus and his love.

Katherine Hankey

Tell Me the Old, Old Story

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Hankey, Kate. Tell me the old, old story. Composed by William Hovard Doane. c. 1867.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1869, ch. 4.

Current Citation

Mill, John Stuart. "The Subjection of Women." On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other Essays, edited by Mark Philp and Frederick Rosen. Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 4.

Where Slavery is, there Liberty cannot be; and where Liberty is, there Slavery cannot be.

Charles Sumner

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Sumner, Charles. "Slavery and the Rebellion." 5 Nov. 1864, Cooper Institute, New York City, NY, USA.

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Ruskin, John. "Of Kings' Treasuries." Dec. 1864, Rusholme, Manchester, England, UK. Lecture.

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Original Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "Goblin Market." Goblin Market and Other Poems. London: Macmillan, 1862.

Current Citation

Rossetti, Christina. "Goblin Market." The Complete Poems. Penguin Classics, 2001.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Trollope, Anthony. "Phineas Finn." St Paul's Magazine, Oct. 1867-May 1868. Monthly serial.

Current Citation

Trollope, Anthony. Phineas Finn. Oxford University Press, 2011, ch. 57.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Browning, Robert. "Rabbi Ben Ezra." Dramatis Personae. London: Chapman & Hall, 1864, I. 1.

Current Citation

Browning, Robert. "Rabbi Ben Ezra." Robert Browning: The Major Works, edited by Adam Roberts. Oxford University Press, 2009, I. 1.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Houston, Samuel. Speech warning the people of Texas against secession. 19 Apr. 1861, Unnamed hotel window, Galveston, TX, USA.

Current Citation

Houston, Samuel. Quoted in Sam Houston, written by James L. Haley. University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Muir, John. Journal entry. 1869.

Current Citation

Muir, John. "My First Summer in the Sierra." John Muir: Nature Writings. Library of America, 1997, ch. 10.

The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States.

Salmon P. Chase

Texas v. White

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Chase, Salmon P. United States, Supreme Court. Texas v. White. United States Reports, vol. 74, 12 Apr. 1869, pp. 700-743. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/74/700/.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "The Triumph of Time." Poems and Ballads, First Series. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1866, st. 33.

Current Citation

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "The Triumph of Time." Poems and Ballads and Atalanta in Calydon. Penguin Classics, 2001, st. 33.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "The Garden of Proserpine." Poems and Ballads, First Series. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1866, st. 2.

Current Citation

Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "The Garden of Proserpine." Poems and Ballads and Atalanta in Calydon. Penguin Classics, 2001, st. 2.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Kingsley, Charles. "The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby." Macmillan's Magazine, 1862-1863.

Current Citation

Kingsley, Charles. The Water-Babies: A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby, edited by Richard D. Beards. Penguin Classics, 2008.

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Authentication Score 1


Browne, Charles Farrar. "Introduction to the Club." London Punch Letters. c. 1866, no. 5.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Trollope, Anthony. "The Small House at Allington." Cornhill Magazine, 1862-1863. Monthly serial.

Current Citation

Trollope, Anthony. The Small House at Allington. Penguin Classics, 1991, ch. 32.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Collins, Wilkie. "The Woman in White." All the Year Round, 26 Nov. 1859 – 25 Aug. 1860.

Current Citation

Collins, Wilkie. The Woman in White, edited by Matthew Sweet. Penguin Classics, 2003.