Classical antiquity

Explore 1180 quotes from Classical antiquity

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Matthew 7:5).

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Matthew 25:40).

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Romans 8:31).

The kingdom of God is within you.


Luke 17:21

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Luke 17:21).

Thou shalt not steal.


Exodus 20:15

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Exodus 20:15).

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Original Citation

Plutarch. "Περὶ τοῦ ἀκούειν [On Hearing]." Ἠθικά Ethika [Moralia]. c. 100 AD.

Current Citation

Plutarch. "On Listening." Essays. Penguin Classics, 1993.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Luke 24:5).

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Mark 3:24, 25).

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Original Citation

Agathon. Quoted in Ἠθικὰ Νικομάχεια, Ēthika Nikomacheia [Nicomachean Ethics], written by Aristotle. c. 350 BC, bk. 6.

Current Citation

Agathon. Quoted in Nicomachean Ethics, written by Aristotle, translated by Terence Irwin. Hackett Publishing Company, 2019, bk. 7, ch. 2.

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Original Citation

Ovid. "To Albinovanus: The Sixth Summer." Epistulae ex Ponto. 1st century CE, bk. 4, no. 10, l. 5.

Current Citation

Oivd. "Ex Ponto." Triste; Ex Ponto, translated by Arthur Leslie Wheeler, edited by G. P. Goold. Harvard University Press, 1988.

Authentication Score 0

Original Citation

Seneca the Younger. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium [Moral Letters to Lucilius]. c. 65 AD.

Current Citation

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Letters on Ethics, translated by Margaret Graver and A. A. Long. University of Chicago Press, 2017.

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Authentication Score 3


The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (1st John 18:38).

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Tertullian. Apologeticum [Apologeticus]. c. 197, ch. 50, sect. 13.

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The Holy Bible: New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 1982. (Genesis 2:2).

One more such victory over the Romans and we are lost.


Quoted in Plutarch's Lives, by Plutarch

On the defeat of the Romans at Asculum, 279 BC, a battle in which his army suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Romans.

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Original Citation

Pyrrhus. Quoted in "Pyrrhus." Parallel Lives by Plutarch. c. 2nd century BC, ch. 21, sect. 9.

Current Citation

Pyrrhus. Quoted in "Pyrrhus." Parallel Lives by Plutarch. Oxford University Press, 2009, ch. 21, sect. 9.

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Original Citation

Horace. Carmina [Odes]. 23 BC, bk. 3, no. 30.

Current Citation

Horace. "Odes." The Complete Odes and Epodes, translated by David West. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk, 3, no. 30.

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Tertullian. De Praescriptione Haereticorum [On the Prescription of Heretics]. c. 1892, ch. 7.

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Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria [Institutes of Oratory]. c. 95 AD, bk. 4, ch. 1, sect. 91.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Matthew 22:14).

He gave up the ghost.

Luke 23:46

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Luke 23:46).