Classical antiquity

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Original Citation

Heraclitus. Fragments. 5th century BC, F50 - DK B29.

Current Citation

Heraclitus. "Heraclitus of Ephesus." The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists, translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford University Press, 2009, F50 - DK B29.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (2nd Samuel 22:2).

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Original Citation

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. Carmina. c. 1481, no. 85.

Current Citation

Cattulus, Gaius Valerius. The Poems of Catullus, translated by Guy Lee. Oxford University Press, 2009, no. 85.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (2nd Timothy 1:7).

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. International Bible Society, 1978. (Genesis 19:26).

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Quintilian. Institutio Oratoria [Institutes of Oratory]. c. 95 AD, bk. 1, ch. 12, sect. 5.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Hebrews 12:1-2).

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Authentication Score 3


The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Revelation 3:5).

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Original Citation

Livy. Ab urbe condita [From the Founding of the City]. c. 9 BC, bk. 34, ch. 2, sect. 12.

Current Citation

Livy. Rome and the Mediterranean: History of Rome from Its Foundation, books 31-45, translated by Henry Bettenson. Penguin Classics, 1976, bk. 34, ch. 2.

Authentication Score 3


The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

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Original Citation

Horace. Carmina [Odes]. 23 BC, bk. 3, no. 29.

Current Citation

Horace. "Odes." The Complete Odes and Epodes, translated by David West. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 3, no. 29.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Luke 7:50).

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Horace. Epistularum liber primus [First Book of Letters]. 20 BC, bk. 1, epistle 19.

Current Citation

Horace. "Epistles." Satires and Epistles, translated by John Davie. Oxford University Press, 2011, bk. 1, epistle 19.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Isaiah 14:12).

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Authentication Score 3


The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (John 15:12).

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Seneca the Younger. Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium [Moral Letters to Lucilius]. c. 65 AD.

Current Citation

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Letters on Ethics, translated by Margaret Graver and A. A. Long. University of Chicago Press, 2017.

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Original Citation

Quintus Ennius. Quoted in De Natura Deorum [On the Nature of the Gods], written by Cicero. c. 45 BC, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Quintus Ennius. Quoted in The Nature of the Gods, written by Cicero, translated by P. G. Walsh. Oxford University Press, 2008, bk. 1.

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The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Matthew 11:28).

Authentication Score 3


The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 1982. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20).

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Pliny the Elder. Historia Naturalis [Natural History]. 77 AD, bk. 1.

Current Citation

Pliny the Elder. Natural History: A Selection, translated by John F. Healy. Penguin Classics, 1991, bk. 1.