United States

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Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. "Day of Infamy." US Congress meeting. 8 Dec. 1941, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Niebuhr, Reinhold. Diary entry. 1932.

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Parker, Theodore. "Of Justice and the Conscience." Ten Sermons of Religion. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company/New York: Charles S. Francis and Company, 1853.

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Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Gettysburg Address." At the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. 19 Nov. 1863, Gettysburg, PA, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 1989.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." 16 Apr. 1963.

Current Citation

King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Letter from a Birmingham City Jail (1963)." A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches, edited by James M. Washington. HarperOne, 2003.

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King, Martin Luther, Jr. "I Have a Dream." March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. 28 Aug. 1963, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, USA.

Everybody has plans until they get hit for the first time.

Mike Tyson

Commonly (and more satisfyingly) rendered as "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

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Tyson, Mike. "Tall Man Tyrell Biggs Thinks His Height will Add New Dimension to Oct. 16 Fight." Interviewed by Rick Warner. The Times and Democrat, 19 Aug. 1987.

Remember that Time is Money.

Benjamin Franklin

The American Instructor: or Young Man's Best Companion

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Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Advice to a Young Tradesman." The American Instructor: or Young Man's Best Companion. Philadelphia: George Fisher, 1748.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Advice to a Young Tradesman." Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body and Early Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

I have also decided to stick with love...hate is too great a burden to bear.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Where Do We Go From Here?

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King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Where Do We Go From Here?" 11th Annual SCLC Convention. 16 Aug. 1967, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Sic semper tyrannis! The South is avenged!

John Wilkes Booth

"Thus always to tyrants" in Latin. Shouted immediately before assassinating Abraham Lincoln.

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Booth, John Wilkes. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 14 Apr. 1865, Ford's Theatre, Washington DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin, [published anonymously]. "Bradshaw's Epitaph." Pennsylvania Evening Post. Philadelphia, 14 Dec. 1775.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Bradshaw's Epitaph." Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body and Early Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Go West, young man.

Horace Greeley

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Greeley, Horace. Quoted in New-York Daily Tribune. 13 July 1865.

Houston, we've had a problem.

James Lovell

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Lovell, James. Words spoken aboard Apollo 13 space mission. 13 Apr. 1970.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Charles Dederich

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Dederich, Charles. Used by Charles Dederich as a part of the antidrug movement Synanon. c. 1958.

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Original Citation

Church, Francis. "Is There a Santa Claus?" The New York Sun, 21 Sept. 1897.

Current Citation

Church, Francis. Quoted in The Christmas Chronicles, written by Jeff Guinn. Penguin, 2008.

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Original Citation

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York: Self-published, 1855, poem 1.

Current Citation

Whitman, Walt. "Song of Myself." Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. W. W. Norton & Company, 2002, sect. 31.

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Original Citation

Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass. Brooklyn, New York: Self-published, 1855, poem 1.

Current Citation

Whitman, Walt. "Song of Myself." Leaves of Grass and Other Writings. W. W. Norton & Company, 2002, sect. 1, I. 1.

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Original Citation

Jefferson, Thomas [published anonymously]. Notes on the State of Virginia. Paris: Philippe Denis Pierres, 1785, query 18.

Current Citation

Jefferson, Thomas. Notes on the State of Virginia, edited by Frank Shuffelton. Penguin Classics, 1998, query 18.

Absolutely, 100% not guilty.

OJ Simpson

Plea entered in response to the charge that he had murdered his ex wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ron Goldman.

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Simpson, O. J. Superior Court of California for and in the County of Los Angeles. The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson. 20 June 1994.

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Original Citation

Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1869.

Current Citation

Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad: or, The New Pilgrims' Progress. Random House Publishing Group, 2003.