United States

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Original Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" Independence Day Celebration. 5 July 1852, Corinthian Hall, Rochester, NY, USA.

Current Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" Frederick Douglass: Speeches & Writings, edited by David W. Blight. Library of America, 2022.

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Original Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "A House Divided." 16 Jun. 1858, Springfield, IL, USA.

Current Citation

Lincoln, Abraham. "'House Divided' Speech at Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 1989.

Authentication Score 3


Monroe, James. Message to Congress about The Monroe Doctrine. Seventh annual message to Congress. 2 Dec. 1823, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

I know why the caged bird sings!

Paul Laurence Dunbar

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Original Citation

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence. "Sympathy." Lyrics of the Hearthside. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1899, st. 3.

Current Citation

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence. "Sympathy." Paul Lawrence Dunbar: Selected Poems. Dover Publications, 1997, st. 3.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Hamilton, Alexander [published as Publius]. "Federalist No. 1: General Introduction." Independent Journal, 27 Oct. 1787.

Current Citation

Hamilton, Alexander. "No. I: Deliberation on a new constitution--Hamilton." The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, edited by Robert Scigliano. The Modern Library, 2001.

Authentication Score 3


Kennedy, John F. "Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1961, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Madison, James [published as Publius]. "Federalist No. 10: The Same Subject Continued: The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection." Daily Advertiser, 22 Nov. 1787.

Current Citation

Madison, James. "No. 10: An extensive republic a remedy for mischiefs of faction.--Madison." The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, edited by Robert Scigliano. The Modern Library, 2001.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "Love of God, Love of Man, Love of Country." 24 Sept. 1847, Syracuse, NY, USA.

Current Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "If I Had a Country, I Should Be a Patriot." American Heritage Book of Great American Speeches for Young People, edited by Suzanne McIntire. John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "The Fugitive Slave Law." National Free Soil Convention. 11 Aug. 1852, Pittsburg, PA, USA.

Current Citation

Douglass, Frederick. "The Fugitive Slave Law." The Essential Douglass: Selected Writings and Speeches. Hackett Publishing Company, 2016.

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Ford, Gerald. Debate with Jimmy Carter. The Second Carter-Ford Presidential Debate. 6 Oct. 1976, Palace of the Fine Arts Theater, San Francisco, CA, USA.

It's the economy, stupid.

James Carville

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Original Citation

Carville, James. Political campaign slogan. 1992.

Current Citation

The War Room. Directed by Chris Hegedus and D. A. Pennebaker. Pennebaker Associates, 1993.

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Authentication Score 3


Hughes, Langston. "Harlem." Montage of a Dream Deferred. Holt, 1951.

First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

Henry Lee III

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Lee, Henry. Funeral oration on the death of General Washington. 26 Dec. 1799, German Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

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Cronkite, Walter. "We are Mired in Stalemate." CBS Evening News, created by Don Hewitt, CBS News Productions, 27 Feb. 1968.

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Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Journal entry. 11 May 1838.

The words we use are the worlds we live in.

Richard Ford

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Ford, Richard. "The Rumpus Interview with Richard Ford." Interviewed by Ben Pfeiffer. Rumpus, Nov. 26, 2014, therumpus.net/2014/11/the-rumpus-interview-with-richard-ford/

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Eliot, T. S. The Rock. 1934, Sadler's Wells Theatre, London, England, UK, pt. 1.

Remember the Alamo!

Sidney Sherman

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Sherman, Sidney. Battle cry at San Jacinto. 21 Apr. 1836, San Jacinto, TX, USA.

Authentication Score 3


McCarthy, Cormac. Blood Meridian; or The Evening Redness in the West. Random House, 1985, ch. 5.

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Marthe Troly-Curtin

Phrynette Married

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Troly-Curtin, Marthe. Phrynette Married. The Macmillan Company of Canada, 1912.