Autobiography and memoir

Explore 215 quotes from the following genre: Autobiography and memoir

Life is what we make of it. Always has been, always will be.

Grandma Moses

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Grandma Moses. Grandma Moses: My Life's History, edited by Otto Kallir. Harper & Brothers, 1951.

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Orwell, George. Down and Out in Paris and London. Victor Gollancz, 1933, ch. 24.

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Stevenson, Robert Louis. Across the Plains. London: Chatto & Windus, 1892, ch. 9.

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Edison, Thomas A. Quoted in Thomas A. Edison: The Authentic Life Story of the World's Greatest Inventor, written by Francis Miller. Stanley Paul, 1932.

Life consists of two dates with a dash in between... Make the dash count.

Stuart Scott

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Scott, Stuart and Larry Platt. Every Day I Fight: Making a Difference, Kicking Cancer's Ass. Blue Rider Press, 2015.

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Warhol, Andy. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B & Back Again). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, ch. 10.

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Original Citation

Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. 1907, ch. 6.

Current Citation

Adams, Henry. "The Education of Henry Adams." Henry Adams: Democracy, Esther, Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, The Education of Henry Adams, edited by Ernest Samuels and Jayne Samuels. Library of America, 1983, ch. 6.

Someone ought to do it, so why not I?

Annie Besant

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Original Citation

Besant, Annie. Annie Besant: An Autobiography. London: Unwin, 1893.

Current Citation

Besant, Annie. From Atheism to Theosophy: The Autobiography of Annie Besant. Mt. San Antonio College, 2020.

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Original Citation

Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. 1907, ch. 16.

Current Citation

Adams, Henry. "The Education of Henry Adams." Democracy, Esther, Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, The Education of Henry Adams. Library of America, 1983, ch. 16.

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Original Citation

Keller, Helen. "The Story of My Life." Ladies' Home Journal, 1902.

Current Citation

Keller, Helen. The Story of My Life. Signet, 2010, ch. 22.

Architecture aims at Eternity.

Christopher Wren

On Architecture

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Wren, Christopher. "On Architecture." Parentalia; or, Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens. London: Thomas Osborn, 1750, appendix, tract 1.

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Christie, Agatha. Agatha Christie: An Autobiography. Collins/Dodd, Mead & Company, 1977.

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Thackeray, William Makepeace. Quoted in A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs, written by Laurence Hutton. London: Harper & Brothers, 1898.

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Original Citation

De Chateaubriand, Francois Rene. Memoires d'outre Tomb [Memoirs from Beyond the Grave]. Vol. 2, Paris: Penaud frères, 1850, bk. 5, ch. 14.

Current Citation

De Chateaubriand, Francois Rene. Memoirs from Beyond the Grave: 1768-1800, translated by Alex Andriesse. NYRB Classics, 2018.

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Warhol, Andy. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B & Back Again). Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975, ch. 6.

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Didion, Joan. Blue Nights. Alfred A. Knopf, 2011, ch. 2.

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Original Citation

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria, edited by Niger Leask. Vol. 2, London: J. M. Dent, 1817, ch. 15.

Current Citation

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "Biographia Literaria." Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Major Works, edited by H. J. Jackson. Oxford University Press, 2009, ch. 15.

Dance is the hidden language of the soul.

Martha Graham

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Graham, Martha. Blood Memory: An Autobiography. Doubleday, 1991.

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Jung, Carl and Aniela Jaffé. Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken [Memories, Dreams, Reflections], translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Exlibris, 1962.

The test of civilization is in the way that it cares for its helpless members.

Pearl S. Buck

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Buck, Pearl S. My Several Worlds. John Day Company, 1954.