Drama (TV)

Explore 69 quotes from the following genre: Drama (TV)

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"All Prologue." The Wire, written by David Simon and Ed Burns and Joy Kecken, directed by Steve Shill, season 2, episode 6, Blown Deadline Productions and Home Box Office, 2003.

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"The Summer Man." Mad Men, written by Matthew Weiner and Lisa Albert and Janet Leahy, directed by Phil Abraham, season 4, episode 8, Lionsgate Television and American Movie Classics and Weiner Bros., 2010.

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"Episode #2.3." Fleabag, written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, directed by Harry Bradbeer, season 2, episode 3, Amazon Studios and British Broadcasting Corporation, 2019.

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"Episode #2.5." Fleabag, written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, directed by Harry Bradbeer, season 2, episode 5, Amazon Studios and British Broadcasting Corporation, 2019.

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"Later." BoJack Horseman, written by Raphael Bob-Waksberg, directed by Martin Cendreda, season 1, episode 12, ShadowMachine and Tornante Company, 2014.

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"Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood." The Sopranos, written by David Chase, directed by Allen Coulter, season 3, episode 1, Chase Films and Home Box Office, 2001.

You know the difference between me and you? I bleed red and you bleed green.

Avon Barksdale

The Wire

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"Moral Midgetry." The Wire, written by David Simon and Richard Price and William F. Zorzi, directed by Agnieszka Holland, season 3, episode 8, Blown Deadline Productions and Home Box Office, 2004.

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"Home Rooms." The Wire, written by David Simon and Richard Price and Ed Burns, directed by Seith Mann, season 4, episode 3, Blown Deadline Productions and Home Box Office, 2006.

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"Soft Eyes." The Wire, written David Simon and David Mills and Ed Burns, directed by Christine Moore, season 4, episode 2, Blown Deadline Productions and Home Box Office, 2006.