Authentication Score 3
King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Nobel Lecture." Les Prix Nobel en 1964. [The Nobel Peace Prize 1964.] 11 Dec. 1964, Auditorium of the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Nobel Lecture." Les Prix Nobel en 1964. [The Nobel Peace Prize 1964.] 11 Dec. 1964, Auditorium of the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. 10 Dec. 1964, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. "The Man Who Was a Fool." Detroit Council of Churches' Noon Lenten Services. 6 Mar. 1961, Detroit, MI, USA.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. Strength to Love. Harper & Row, 1963, ch. 3.
The Ethical Demands for Integration
King, Martin Luther, Jr. “The Ethical Demands for Integration.” 27 Dec. 1962, University of Vanderbilt Law School, Nashville, TN, USA.
King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Walk to Freedom." 23 June 1963, Detroit, MI, USA.