
Explore 167 quotes by Lawyers

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Original Citation

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. "The Class of '61." Fiftieth Anniversary of Graduation of the Harvard Class of 1861. 28 June 1911, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Current Citation

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. "The Class of '61." The Essential Holmes, edited by Richard A. Posner. University of Chicago Press, 1997.

The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.

John Roberts

Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1

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Roberts, John. United States, Supreme Court. Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1. United States Reports, vol. 551, 28 June 2007, pp. 701-876,

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Black, Hugo. United States, Supreme Court. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. United States Reports, vol. 376, 9 Mar. 1964, pp. 254-305. Justia,

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Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan. "The Function and the Ends of Law." Dec. 1923, Yale University Law School, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.

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Marshall, Thurgood. United States, Supreme Court. Stanley v. Georgia. United States Reports, vol. 394, 7 Apr. 1969, pp. 557-572. Justia,

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Warren, Earl. United States, Supreme Court. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. United States Reports, vol. 347, 17 May 1954, pp. 483-496. Justia,

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Original Citation

Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the Law of England: Book the First. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1765, ch. 7.

Current Citation

Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the Laws of England: Book I Of the Rights of Persons, edited by David Lemmings. Oxford University Press, 2016, ch. 7.

The history of liberty has largely been the history of observance of procedural safeguards.

Felix Frankfurter

McNabb v. United States

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Frankfurter, Felix. United States, Supreme Court. McNabb v. United States. United States Reports, vol. 318, 1 Mar. 1943, pp. 339-349. Justia,

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Douglas, William O. United States, Supreme Court. Griswold v. Connecticut. United States Reports, vol. 381, 7 June 1965, pp. 479–531. Justia,

The law must be stable, and yet it cannot stand still.

Roscoe Pound

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Original Citation

Pound, Roscoe. Lecture delivered before Trinity College. Lent Term, 1922, Trinity College, Cambridge, England, UK.

Current Citation

Pound, Roscoe. Interpretations of Legal History. Cambridge University Press, 2013, ch. 1.

We have a cancer within, close to the Presidency, that is growing.

John Dean

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Dean, John. "Cancer on the Presidency." 21 Mar. 1973, Oval Office, The White House, Washington, DC, USA. Presidental briefing.

It'll play in Peoria.

John Ehrlichman

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Ehrichman, John. Quoted in "The Middle American Who Edits Ideas for Nixon." Written by Robert B. Semple, Jr. The New York Times, 12 Apr. 1970. Originally spoken to a newsman in 1969 in Washington, DC, USA.

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Coke, Edward. Court of King's Bench. Peter Semayne v Richard Gresham. 5 Co Rep 91 a. Michaelmas Term, 1604.

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Original Citation

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. "Early Forms of Liability." 23 Nov. 1880, The Lowell Institute, Boston, MA, USA.

Current Citation

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. "Early Forms of Liability." The Common Law. Belknap Press, 2009.

Whether, to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest.

William J. Brennan, Jr.

Establishing the American legal standard for obscenity, which does not receive First Amendment protection.

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Brennan, William J, Jr. United States, Supreme Court. Roth v. United States. United States Reports, vol. 354, 24 June 1957, pp. 476-514.

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Brennan, William J, Jr. United States, Supreme Court. Roth v. United States. United States Reports, vol. 354, 24 June 1957, pp. 476-514.

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Jackson, Robert H. United States, Supreme Court. Brown v. Allen. United States Reports, vol. 344, 9 Feb. 1953, pp. 443. Justia,

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Brennan, William J, Jr. "The Constitution of the United States: Contemporary Ratification." Text and Teaching Symposium. 12 Oct. 1985, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA. Speech.

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Selden, John. "Law." The Table-Talk Of John Selden. London: J.M. Dent and Company, 1689.

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Curran, John Philpot. Speech on the right of election of the Lord Mayor of Dublin. 10 July 1790, Dublin, Ireland.