
Explore 1184 quotes by Politicians

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Buchanan, James. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1857, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Bacon, Francis. "Of Adversity." Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall. London: John Haviland, 1625.

Current Citation

Bacon, Francis. "Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral (1625): Of Adversity." Francis Bacon: The Major Works, edited by Brian Vickers. Oxford University Press, 2008.

Authentication Score 2


Polk, James K. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1845, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 2


Buchanan, James. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1857, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Authentication Score 3


Reagan, Ronald. "Farewell Address to the Nation." 11 Jan. 1989, Oval Office, The White House, Washington, DC, USA.

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Original Citation

Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the Law of England: Book the First. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1765, ch. 2.

Current Citation

Blackstone, William. Commentaries on the Laws of England: Book I Of the Rights of Persons, edited by David Lemmings. Oxford University Press, 2016, ch. 2.

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Khomeini, Ruhollah. "Program for the Establishment of an Islamic Government." Lecture series. 21 Jan. - 8 Feb. 1970, Najaf, Iran.

You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side.

W.E. Gladstone

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Gladstone, William E. Address on the reform bill. House of Commons meeting. 27 Apr. 1866, The Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK.

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Van Buren, Martin. "Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1837, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Reagan, Ronald. "Farewell Address to the Nation." 11 Jan. 1989, Oval Office, The White House, Washington, DC, USA.

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Coolidge, Calvin. "Second Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1925, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

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Herbert, A. P. "Marrowfat v. Marrowfat." Punch, 13 July 1927.

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Original Citation

Stevens, Thaddeus. Address in the House of Representatives. House of Representatives meeting. 3 Jan. 1867, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Stevens, Thaddeus. "Reconstruction." The Selected Papers of Thaddeus Stevens: April 1865-August 1868, edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer and Holly Byers Ochoa. Vol. 2, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998.

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McNamara, Robert. In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam. Random House, 1995. Originally published in the Daily Telegraph, 10 Apr. 1995.

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Metternich, Klemens von. Mein Politisches Testament [My Political Testament]. c. 1880.

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Raleigh, Walter. "A Discourse of the Invention of Ships, Anchors, Compass, &c." The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Vol. 8, Oxford University Press, 1829.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Walpole, Horace. Letter to Christopher Wren. 9 Aug. 1764.

Current Citation

Walpole, Horace. "Letter to Christopher Wren." Horace Walpole's Correspondence. Vol. 40, Yale University Press, 1980.