
Explore 65 quotes by Singer-songwriters

Oh, deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome, some day.

Pete Seeger

We Shall Overcome

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Simmons, Lucille. "We Will Overcome." People's Songs Bulletin, 1947. Originally sung by Lucille Simmons and tobacco workers during a cigar workers strike. 1945, Charleston, SC, USA.

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Cohen, Leonard and Sharon Robinson. "Everybody Knows." Performed by Leonard Cohen. I'm Your Man. Columbia Records, 1988.

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Lennon, John. "Playboy Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono." Interviewed by David Sheff. Playboy, Jan. 1981.

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Smith, Patti. Quoted in National Book Award for Patti Smith, written by Julie Bosman. New York Times, 17 Nov. 2010,

We are stardust,
We are golden,
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden.

Joni Mitchell


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Mitchell, Joni. "Woodstock." Ladies of the Canyon. Reprise Records, 1970.