Who told them
that they were dead.
Authentication Score 2
Aeschylus. Ἱκέτιδες, Hiketides [The Suppliants]. c. 455 BC.
Aeschylus. Ἱκέτιδες, Hiketides [The Suppliants]. c. 455 BC.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Laozi [Lao Tzu]. 道德經 [Tao Te Ching]. c. 400 BC, ch. 64.
Laozi [Lao Tzu]. "The Natural Way of Lao Tzu." A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, translated by Wing-Tsit Chan. Princeton University Press, 1969, ch. 64.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 1982. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. c. 180, bk. 4.
Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations, edited and translated by Martin Hammond. Penguin Classics, 2015, bk. 4.