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Beuys, Joseph. "An Interview with Joseph Beuys." Interviewed by Willoughby Sharp. Artforum, Dec. 1969.
Beuys, Joseph. "An Interview with Joseph Beuys." Interviewed by Willoughby Sharp. Artforum, Dec. 1969.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Arendt, Hanna. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press, 1963. Originally published by The New Yorker, 16 Mar. 1963.
Picasso, Pablo. "Picasso n'est pas officier dans l'armee Francaise." Interviewed by Simon Tery. Les Lettres Francaise, 24 Mar. 1945.
Schweitzer, Albert. Aus Meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit [Memoirs of Childhood and Youth]. C. H. Beck, 1924.
Scweitzer, Albert. Memoirs of Childhood and Youth, translated by Kurt Bergel and Alice R. Bergel. Syracuse University Press, 1997.