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Pitt, William. Speech responding to a speech by Henry Howard who spoke in favour of the war against the American colonists. House of Lords meeting. 18 Nov. 1777, Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK.
Pitt, William. Speech responding to a speech by Henry Howard who spoke in favour of the war against the American colonists. House of Lords meeting. 18 Nov. 1777, Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK.
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United States Declaration of Independence. 1776, preamble.
The National Archives. The Declaration of Independence: A Transcript. 24 July 2020,
Guthrie, Woodie. This Land Is Your Land. c. 1945.
Paine, Thomas. The American Crisis: Number 4. Philadelphia: Styner and Cist, 1777.
Paine, Thomas. "The American Crisis, Number IV, September 12, 1777." Common Sense, The Crisis, & Other Writings from the American Revolution. Library of America, 2015.
Reagan, Ronald. Remarks at the Signing of the INF Treaty with Soviet Premier Gorbachev. 8 Dec. 1987, Washington, DC, USA.