Every revolutionary ends by becoming either an oppressor or a heretic.
en hérétique.
Authentication Score 3
Camus, Albert. L'Homme Revolte [The Rebel]. Gallimard, 1951.
Camus, Albert. L'Homme Revolte [The Rebel]. Gallimard, 1951.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Camus, Albert. L'Homme Revolte [The Rebel]. Gallimard, 1951.
Fadiman, Clifton. The Complete Book of Cheese. Gramercy Publishing Company, 1955, introduction.
Goldwater, Barry. Campaign speech. 21 Oct. 1964.
Ionesco, Eugene. Rhinoceros. 1959, Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany, act 1.