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Robeson, Paul. "The Artist Must Take Sides." National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief in aid of the Spanish Refugee Children. 24 June 1937, Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK.
Robeson, Paul. "The Artist Must Take Sides." National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief in aid of the Spanish Refugee Children. 24 June 1937, Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Whitehead, Alfred North. Adventures of Ideas. The Macmillan Company/Simon and Schuster, 1933, ch. 20, sec. 5.
Washington, George. Letter to Edmund Randolph. 28 Sept. 1789.
Washington, George. "From George Washington to Edmund Randolph, 28 September 1789." George Washington: Writings, edited by John H. Rhodehamel. Library of America, 1997.