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Chesterton, G.K. "Anti-Religious Thought in the Eighteenth Century." An Outline of Christianity; The Story of Our Civilization. Vol. 4. Christianity and Modern Thought. The Waverley Book Co., 1926, pt. 3.
Chesterton, G.K. "Anti-Religious Thought in the Eighteenth Century." An Outline of Christianity; The Story of Our Civilization. Vol. 4. Christianity and Modern Thought. The Waverley Book Co., 1926, pt. 3.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Proust, Marcel. Albertine disparue [Albertine Gone]. Paris: Gallimard, 1927.
Proust, Marcel. The Fugitive, edited and translated by Peter Collier. Penguin Classics, 2021.
Mark 9:23
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Mark 9:23).