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Nightingale, Florence. Letter to Miss H. Bonham Carter. 1861.
Nightingale, Florence. Letter to Miss H. Bonham Carter. 1861.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Dostoyevsky, Feodor. Преступленіе и наказаніе [Crime and Punishment]. The Russian Messenger, Jan. 1866 - Dec. 1866, monthly serial.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment, translated and edited by Michael R. Katz. W. W. Norton & Company, 2018.
Allen, Woody. Quoted in "He's Woody Allen's 1‐1‐Silent Partner." Written by Susan Braudy. The New York Times, 21 Aug. 1977.
Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1861, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugral Address, March 4, 1861." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 2018.