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Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "Progress of Culture." Phi Beta Kappa society meeting. 18 July 1867, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, UK.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "Progress of Culture." Phi Beta Kappa society meeting. 18 July 1867, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, UK.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "Fate." The Conduct of Life. Boston: Ticknor & Fields/London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1860.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "Fate." The Conduct of Life, edited by Barbara L. Packer, Joseph Slater, and Douglas Emory Wilson. Vol. 6, Belknap Press, 2004.
Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugural Address." 4 Mar. 1861, East Portico, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Lincoln, Abraham. "First Inaugral Address, March 4, 1861." Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1859-1865, edited by Don E. Fehrenbacher. Library of America, 2018.
Whitman, Walt. "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" Leaves of Grass. New York: Self-published, 1867, st. 2. Originally published in Drum-Taps. New York: Peter Eckler, 1865, st. 2.