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Newton, Isaac. Questiones Quaedam Philosophcae. c. 1664.
Newton, Isaac. Questiones Quaedam Philosophcae. c. 1664.
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Newton, Isaac. "Axiomata sive Leges Motus: [Axioms, or Laws of Motion]." Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy], vol. 1. London: Josephi Streater, 1687, law 1.
Newton, Isaac. "Axioms, or the Laws of Motion." The Principia, translated by Andrew Motte. Prometheus, 1995, law 1.
Pepys, Samuel. Diary entry. 22 Sept. 1668.
A Few Good Men. Directed by Rob Reiner, Castle Rock Entertainment, 1992.
Spinoza, Baruch. Ethica, Ordine Geometrico Desmonstrata [Ethics, Demonstrated in Geometrical Order]. 1677, pt. 3, prop. 55, note.
Spinoza, Benedict. Ethics, translated by Michael Silverthorne and Matthew J. Kinser. Cambridge University Press, 2018, pt. 3, prop. 55, note.