Sometimes I think this country would be better off if we could just saw off the Eastern Seaboard and let it float out to sea.
Authentication Score 3
Goldwater, Barry. Quoted in Saturday Evening Post. 31 Aug. 1963.
Goldwater, Barry. Quoted in Saturday Evening Post. 31 Aug. 1963.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich. Roots of Economic Growth. Gandhian Institute of Studies, 1962.
Hamilton, Alexander [published as Publius]. "Federalist No. 22: The Same Subject Continued: Other Defects of the Present Confederation." New York Packet, 14 Dec. 1787.
Hamilton, Alexander. "No. 22: Continuation.--Hamilton." The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, edited by Robert Scigliano. The Modern Library, 2001.