Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
Authentication Score 3
Parkinson, C. Northcote. Parkinson's Law: The Pursuit of Progress. John Murray, 1958, ch. 1. Originally published in The Economist, Nov. 1955.
Parkinson, C. Northcote. Parkinson's Law: The Pursuit of Progress. John Murray, 1958, ch. 1. Originally published in The Economist, Nov. 1955.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Brennan, William J, Jr. United States, Supreme Court. Roth v. United States. United States Reports, vol. 354, 24 June 1957, pp. 476-514.
Smith, Logan Pearsall. "Art and Letters." Afterthoughts. Constable & Company, 1931.
Talmud. Mishnah, Sanhedrin 4:9:1.
The Talmud: A Selection, translated by Norman Solomon. Penguin Classics, 2009, Fourth Order Neziqin, Fourth Tractate Sanhedrin (The Court) 4:9:1.