No permanent elevation of a people can be effected without commerce.
Authentication Score 3
Livingstone, David. Travels and Researches in South Africa. London: John Murray, 1857, ch. 13.
Livingstone, David. Travels and Researches in South Africa. London: John Murray, 1857, ch. 13.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Douglass, Frederick. “What the Black Man Wants.” Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. 26 Jan. 1865, Boston, MA, USA.
Douglass, Frederick. Great Speeches by Frederick Douglass. Dover Publications, 2013.
Wall Street. Directed by Oliver Stone, American Entertainment Partners/American Films, 1987.
Beeton, Isabella. The Book of Household Management. S. O. Beeton Publishing, 1861, ch. 2.
"Unto Others." The Wire, written by David Simon and William F. Zorzi and Ed Burns, directed by Anthony Hemingway, season 4, episode 7, Blown Deadline Productions and Home Box Office, 2006.