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Johnson, Lyndon B. Speech on the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. 4 Aug. 1964, Washington, DC, USA. Broadcast.
Johnson, Lyndon B. Speech on the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. 4 Aug. 1964, Washington, DC, USA. Broadcast.
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Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich. Roots of Economic Growth. Gandhian Institute of Studies, 1962.
Ali, Muhammad. Quoted in "I Ain't Got No Quarrel with them Viet Cong." Written by Bob Orkland. The New York Times, 27 June 2017. Originally a press conference. 28 Apr. 1967, Louisville, KY, USA.
Reagan, Ronald. Remarks to state chairs in Washington, DC. National White House Conference on Small Business. 15 Aug. 1986, Old Executive Office Building, Washington, DC, USA.