Our whole duty, for the present, at any rate, is summed up in this motto, "America first."
Authentication Score 3
Wilson, Woodrow. "America First." Associated Press Luncheon. 20 Apr. 1915, New York City, NY, USA. Address.
Wilson, Woodrow. "America First." Associated Press Luncheon. 20 Apr. 1915, New York City, NY, USA. Address.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Pessoa, Fernando (published as Ricardo Reis). "So esta liberdade nos concedem [The only freedom the gods grant us]." Odes. Edições Ática, 1952.
Joyce, James. "A Portrait of the Artists as a Young Man." The Egoist. 2 Feb. 1914 - 1 Sept. 1915. Serial.
Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, edited by John Paul Riquelme. W. W. Norton & Company, 2007, ch. 2.
McCarthy, Joseph. "Enemies from Within." Republican's Women's Club meeting. 9 Feb. 1950, Wheeling, WV, USA. Speech.