Citizens, would you want a revolution without revolution?
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Robespierre, Maximilien. Response a J. B. Louvet [Answer to Louvet's Accusation]. 5 Nov. 1792.
Robespierre, Maximilien. Response a J. B. Louvet [Answer to Louvet's Accusation]. 5 Nov. 1792.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Speech on the Petition of the Unitarians, May 11, 1792
Burke, Edmund. Address on Petition of the Unitarians. House of Commons. 11 May 1792, Palace of Westminster, London, England, UK.
Burke, Edmund. "Speech on the Petition of the Unitarian Society." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin Classics, 1999.
Diderot, Denis. "Les Eleutheromanes [The Eleutherans]." Correspondance littéraire, 1 Mar. 1772.
Goldwater, Barry. Remarks announcing candidacy for the republican presidential nomination. 3 Jan. 1964, Paradise City, AZ, USA. News conference.
Voltaire. Épître à l'Auteur du Livre des Trois Imposteurs [Letter to the author of The Three Impostors]. 10 Nov. 1770.