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Original Citation
Newton, Isaac. Letter to Robert Hooke. 5 Feb. 1676.
Current Citation
Newton, Isaac. Letter to Hooke, 5 February 1675/6." The Correspondence of Isaac Newton. Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Newton, Isaac. Letter to Robert Hooke. 5 Feb. 1676.
Newton, Isaac. Letter to Hooke, 5 February 1675/6." The Correspondence of Isaac Newton. Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Newton, Isaac. Opticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light. London: Samuel Smith and Benjamin Walford, 1704, bk. 3, pt. 1, question 31.
Newton, Isaac. Opticks. Dover Publications, 2012, bk. 3, pt. 1, question 31.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois. Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales [Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims]. c. 1665.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois. Collected Maxims and Other Reflections, translated by E. H. and A. M. Blackmore and Francine Giguere. Oxford University Press, 2008.
Wall Street. Directed by Oliver Stone, American Entertainment Partners/American Films, 1987.