100 percent of the shots you don't take don't go in the net.
Authentication Score 3
Gretzky, Wayne. Quoted in Philadelphia Inquirer. 9 Feb. 1983.
Gretzky, Wayne. Quoted in Philadelphia Inquirer. 9 Feb. 1983.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
The Princess Bride. Directed by Rob Reiner, Act III Communications/Buttercup Films/The Princess Bride Ltd., 1987.
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil [Faust. The Tragedy's Second Part]. 1832, act 5.
Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faust: Part Two, translated by David Luke. Oxford University Press, 2008, act 5.