The discovery of truth, by slow progressive meditation, is wisdom.
Authentication Score 3
Lavater, Johann Kaspar. Aphorisms of Man, translated by Henry Fuseli. London: J. Johnson, 1788, no. 93.
Lavater, Johann Kaspar. Aphorisms of Man, translated by Henry Fuseli. London: J. Johnson, 1788, no. 93.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Burke, Edmund. "Speech at a County Meeting of Buckinghamshire." 1784, Buckinghamshire, England, UK.
Job 12:12
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Job 12:12).
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft [Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future]. Leipzig: C. G. Naumann, 1886, ch. 7, no. 227.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Beyond Good and Evil, translated by R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics, 2003, ch. 7, no. 227.