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Truman, Harry S. Quoted in Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, by Merle Miller. Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1973. Originally spoken about the CIA, c. 1972.
Truman, Harry S. Quoted in Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman, by Merle Miller. Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1973. Originally spoken about the CIA, c. 1972.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Truman, Harry S. First announcement of the atomic bomb. 6 Aug. 1945, The White House, Washington, DC, USA.
Kennedy, Florynce. "Institutionalized Oppression vs. the Female." Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings From The Women’s Liberation Movement, edited by Robin Morgan. Vintage Books, 1970.
Hamilton, Alexander [published as Publius]. "Federalist No. 22: The Same Subject Continued: Other Defects of the Present Confederation." New York Packet, 14 Dec. 1787.
Hamilton, Alexander. "No. 22: Continuation.--Hamilton." The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, edited by Robert Scigliano. The Modern Library, 2001.