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Theognis. The Maxims of Theognis the Megarean. c. 485 BC.
Theognis. The Maxims of Theognis the Megarean. c. 485 BC.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, by James Boswell
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in journal entry, written by James Boswell. 7 Apr. 1779.
Johnson, Samuel. Quoted in The Life of Samuel Johnson, written by James Boswell, edited by David Womersley. Penguin Classics, 2008.
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Psalm 23:1-6).
Socrates. Quoted in Πολιτεία [Republic], written by Plato. c. 375 BCE.
Socrates. Quoted in Republic, written by Plato, translated by Desmond Lee. Penguin Classics, 2007.
Matthew 5:8
The Holy Bible: The King James Version. 1611. (Matthew 5:8).
Blake, William. "The Argument." The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c. 1790.
Blake, William. "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, edited by David V. Erdman. University of California Press, 2008.