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Reagan, Ronald. "Tear Down This Wall!" 12 June 1987, Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, Germany.
Reagan, Ronald. "Tear Down This Wall!" 12 June 1987, Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, Germany.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Reagan, Ronald. "First Inaugural Address." 20 Jan. 1981, West Front, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Quayle, Dan. Quoted in Wall Street Journal. 26 May 1989.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [In Defense of Milo]. c. 52 BC, sect. 11.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Pro Milone [For Milo], translated by D. H. Berry. Oxford University Press, 2009, sect. 11.
The Holy Bible: New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, 1982. (Genesis 2:16-17).