Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody.
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Adams, Franklin P. Nods and Becks. Whittlesey House, 1944.
Adams, Franklin P. Nods and Becks. Whittlesey House, 1944.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Lewis, C.S. The Screwtape Letters. Geoffrey Bles, 1942, ch. 29.
Burke, Edmund. "Speech on Conciliation with America." House of Commons. 22 Mar. 1775, Palace of Westminster, Westminster, London, England, UK.
Burke, Edmund. "Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009.
Orwell, George. "As I Please." Tribune, 4 Feb. 1944.
Orwell, George. "As I Please." The Collected Essays, Journalism And Letters Of George Orwell, vol. 3: As I Please 1943-1945, edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. David R. Godine, 2004, no 18.