Authentication Score 2
Twain, Mark. Mark Twain's Notebook, edited by Albert Bigelow Paine. The Mark Twain Company, 1932, ch. 23. Originally from Notebook, c. 1895.
Twain, Mark. Mark Twain's Notebook, edited by Albert Bigelow Paine. The Mark Twain Company, 1932, ch. 23. Originally from Notebook, c. 1895.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Nietzsche, Friedrich. Der Antichrist [The Antichrist]. 1895, no. 57.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. "The Anti-Christ." The Twilight of the Idols and Anti-Christ, translated by R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics, 1990, no. 57.
Shakespeare, William. Richard II. 9 Dec. 1595, The house of Edward Hoby, Westminster, London, England, UK, act 1, sc. 3.
Shakespeare, William. "Richard the Second." The Norton Shakespeare, edited by Stephen Greenblatt, et al., 3rd ed., W. W. Norton & Company, 2015, act 1, sc. 3.