If A is a success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.
Authentication Score 1
Einstein, Albert. The Observer. 15 Jan. 1950.
Einstein, Albert. The Observer. 15 Jan. 1950.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Heisenberg, Werner. Lecture about the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory. Gifford Lectures. 1955-1956, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland.
Heisenberg, Werner. "The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Theory." Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2007.
Allen, Woody. Quoted in "He's Woody Allen's 1‐1‐Silent Partner." Written by Susan Braudy. The New York Times, 21 Aug. 1977.
The Godfather Part II. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Paramount Pictures Studios/American Zoetrope/Coppola Company, 1974.