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Voltaire. La Bégueule, Conte Moral. Lausanne: Chez François Grasset et Comp, 1772.
Voltaire. La Bégueule, Conte Moral. Lausanne: Chez François Grasset et Comp, 1772.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Voltaire. Letter to Etienne Noel Damilaville. 16 May 1767.
Paine, Thomas. The American Crisis: Number 4. Philadelphia: Styner and Cist, 1777.
Paine, Thomas. "The American Crisis, Number IV, September 12, 1777." Common Sense, The Crisis, & Other Writings from the American Revolution. Library of America, 2015.
Pascal, Blaise [published as Louis de Montalte]. "February 25, 1656." Les Provinciales ou Les Lettres Escrites [The Provincial Letters]. c. 1657, letter 4.