Authentication Score 3
Blade Runner. Directed by Ridley Scott, The Ladd Company/Blade Runner Partnership/Shaw Brothers Studio, 1982.
Blade Runner. Directed by Ridley Scott, The Ladd Company/Blade Runner Partnership/Shaw Brothers Studio, 1982.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Jobs, Steve. Quoted in Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple, by John Sculley and John A. Byrne. Harper & Row, 1987, ch. 3. Originally a comment made to persuade John Sculley to become Apple's CEO, c. 1983.
Sontag, Susan. "Of Courage and Resistance." The Romero Award Ceremony. 30 Mar. 2003, Rothko Chapel, Houston, TX, USA. Keynote address.
Herbert, Frank. Dune. Chilton Books, 1965. Originally published in Analog Magazine, Dec. 1963 - Feb. 1964.