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Eliot, T. S. “Burnt Norton.” Collected Poems 1909–1935. Harcourt, Brace And Company, 1936, pt. 1.
Eliot, T. S. “Burnt Norton.” Collected Poems 1909–1935. Harcourt, Brace And Company, 1936, pt. 1.
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Eliot, T. S. The Cocktail Party. 1949, Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland, act 1, sc. 5.
De Saint-Exupery, Antoine. Terre des hommes [Wind, Sand and Stars]. Gallimard, 1939.
Huxley, Aldous. Ends and Means (an Enquiry Into the Nature of Ideals and Into the Methods Employed for Their Realization). Chatto & Windus, 1937, ch. 8.