I'll tell you a big secret mon cher. Don't wait for the Last Judgment. It takes place every day.
Authentication Score 3
Camus, Albert. La Chute [The Fall]. Editions Gallimard, 1956.
Camus, Albert. La Chute [The Fall]. Editions Gallimard, 1956.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Camus, Albert. L'Homme Revolte [The Rebel]. Gallimard, 1951.
Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park. Alfred A. Knopf, 1990.
Blake, William. "Auguries of Innocence." Songs of Innocence and Experience, with Other Poems. London: Basil Montagu Pickering, 1866.
Blake, William. "Auguries of Innocence." William Blake: Selected Poems, edited by Nicholas Shrimpton. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Malraux, Andre. Les Noyers de l'Altenburg [The Walnut Trees of Altenburg]. Gallimard, c. 1948.
Kant, Immanuel. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten [Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals]. Riga: J. F. Hartknoch, 1785.
Kant, Immanuel. Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by Mary Gregor and Jes Timmermann. Cambridge University Press, 2012.