Love is nothing but lust and cheating and lies.
Authentication Score 3
Det sjunde inseglet [The Seventh Seal]. Directed by Ingmar Bergman, Svensk Filmindustri, 1957.
Det sjunde inseglet [The Seventh Seal]. Directed by Ingmar Bergman, Svensk Filmindustri, 1957.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Levi-Strauss, Claude. Tristes Tropiques [Sad Tropics]. Librairie Plon, 1955, pt. 9, ch. 36.
Levi-Strauss, Claude. Tristes Tropiques, translated by John and Doreen Weightman. Penguin Classics, 2012, pt. 9, ch. 36.
Hurston, Zora Neale. Dust Tracks on a Road. J. B. Lippincott Company, 1942, ch. 14.
Forrest Gump. Directed by Robert Zemeckis, The Tisch Company, 1994.