Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.
Authentication Score 3
Newton, Isaac. A New and Most Accurate Theory of the Moon's Motion. London: A. Baldwin, 1702.
Newton, Isaac. A New and Most Accurate Theory of the Moon's Motion. London: A. Baldwin, 1702.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Newton, Isaac. "Axiomata sive Leges Motus: [Axioms, or Laws of Motion]." Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy], vol. 1. London: Josephi Streater, 1687, law 3.
Newton, Isaac. "Axioms, or the Laws of Motion." The Principia, translated by Andrew Motte. Prometheus, 1995, law 3.
Prior, Matthew. Hans Carvel. c. 1700.
Pascal, Blaise. Pensées [Thoughts]. Paris: Chez G. Desprez, 1670, no. 229.
Pascal, Blaise. "Pensées." Pensées and Other Writings, edited by Anthony Levi, translated by Honor Levi. Oxford University Press, 2008, no. 229.