America, thou half-brother of the world;
With something good and bad of every land.
Authentication Score 3
Bailey, Philip James. Festus. London: William Pickering, 1839.
Bailey, Philip James. Festus. London: William Pickering, 1839.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." New York Evening Mirror, 29 Jan. 1845, st. 1.
Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Raven." Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales, edited by Patrick F. Quinn. Library of America, 1984, st. 1.
Sondheim, Stephen. "America." West Side Story. Composed by Leonard Bernstein. 26 Sept. 1957, Winter Garden Theatre, New York City, New York, USA.