The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.
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Kubrick, Stanley. Quoted in The Guardian. 5 June 1963.
Kubrick, Stanley. Quoted in The Guardian. 5 June 1963.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Johnson, Lyndon B. Comment to his press secretary George Christian. 27 Feb. 1968, Washington, DC, USA.
Johnson, Lyndon B. Quoted in The Powers That Be, by David Halberstam. University of Illinois Press, 2000, pt. 3.
Pope John XXIII. "Pacem in Terris [Peace on Earth]." Litterae Encyclicae [Encyclical Letter]. 11 Apr. 1963, pt. 4.