Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
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Heine, Heinrich. Almansor. 1821.
Heine, Heinrich. Almansor. 1821.
Below are one or more quotes that share at least one tag with the quote at the top of the page
Speckled Snake. Speech delivered at a council of Indian chiefs. 20 June 1829, USA.
Speckled Snake. Quoted in A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present, written by Howard Zinn. Routledge, 2015, ch. 7.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. "The Four Freedoms." State of the Union Message to Congress. 6 Jan. 1941, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.
Engels, Frederick. "Herrn Eugen Dührings Umwälzung der Wissenschaft [Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science]." Vorwärts, 1878.
Engels, Frederick. "Anti-During." Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works. Vol. 25, Int Pub Co Inc, 1987, pt. 3, ch. 2.