Explore 30 quotes from the year 1917

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Thomas, Edward. "Early One Morning." Poems. Henry Holt/Selwyn & Blount, 1917, I. 15.

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Original Citation

Wilson, Woodrow. Address to Congress requesting a declaration of war against Germany. Congress meeting. 2 Apr. 1917, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Wilson, Woodrow. "Address to a Joint Session of Congress Calling for a Declaration of War." Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-President, edited by Mario R. DiNunzio. NYU Press, 2006.

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Mencken, Henry Louis. "The Divine Afflatus." H.L. Mencken: Prejudices: The First, Second, and Third Series, edited by Marion Rodgers. Library of America, 2010. Originally published by New York Evening Mail, 16 Nov. 1917.

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Original Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Anthem for Doomed Youth." Poems. Chatto & Windus, 1920.

Current Citation

Owen, Wilfred. "Anthem for Doomed Youth." The War Poems Of Wilfred Owen. Random House UK, 2018.

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Balfour, Arthur James. Letter to Lord Rothschild. 2 Nov. 1917.

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Hand, Learned. US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Masses Pub. Co. v. Patten, 244 F. 535 (1917).

Time, you old gipsy man,
Will you not stay,
Put up your caravan
Just for one day?

Ralph Hodgson

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Hodgson, Ralph. "Time, You Old Gipsy Man." Poems. The Macmillan Company, 1917, I. 1.

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Casement, Roger. King's Bench. R vs Casement [1017] KB 98, 134. 29 June 1916.

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Original Citation

Wilson, Woodrow. Address to Congress Requesting a Declaration of War Against Germany. Congress meeting. 2 Apr. 1917, US Capitol Building, Washington, DC, USA.

Current Citation

Wilson, Woodrow. "Address to a Joint Session of Congress Calling for a Declaration of War." Woodrow Wilson: Essential Writings and Speeches of the Scholar-President, edited by Mario R. DiNunzio. New York University Press, 2006.

The experience of the irrationality of the world has been the driving force of all religious revolution.

Max Weber

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Weber, Max. "Politiks wie Beruf [Politics As a Vocation]." 1917, Munich University, Munich, Germany. Lecture.