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Frank, Anne. Journal entry. 5 Apr. 1944.
Von Hayek, Friedrich August. The Road to Serfdom [Der Weg zur Knechtschaft]. Routledge Press/University of Chicago Press, 1944, ch. 8.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. Broadcast on D-Day. 6 June 1944, Broadcast Room, The White House, Washington, DC, USA. Radio broadcast.
Bethune, Mary McLeod. "Certain Unalienable Rights." What the Negro Wants, edited by Rayford Logan. University of North Carolina Press, 1944.
White, E. B. "The Meaning of Democracy." The New Yorker, 3 July 1943.
Double Indemnity. Directed by Billy Wilder, Paramount Pictures, 1944.
Forster, E.M. "A Book that Influenced Me," Two Cheers for Democracy. Hogarth Press, 1951. Originally published in 1944, publisher unknown.
On the Allied policy of widspread bombing of Berlin and other German cities in 1944.
Bell, George. "Speech Opposing Area Bombing." House of Lords meeting. 9 Feb. 1944, Westminster, London, England, UK.
Myrdal, Gunnar. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. Vol. 2, Harper & Brothers, 1944, ch. 45, sect. 9.
Adams, Franklin P. Nods and Becks. Whittlesey House, 1944.