Explore 78 quotes from the year 1962

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Tuchman, Barbara W. The Guns of August. Macmillan, 1962, ch. 2.

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Eisenhower, Dwight D. Quoted in Six Crises, written by Richard Nixon. Doubleday, 1962.

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Lessing, Doris. The Golden Notebook. Michael Joseph, 1962.

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"Nothing in the Dark." The Twilight Zone, written by George Clayton Johnson and Rod Serling, directed by Lamont Johnson, season 3, episode 16, Cayuga Productions and CBS Television Network, 1962.

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Lessing, Doris. The Golden Notebook. Michael Joseph, 1962.

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To Kill a Mockingbird. Directed by Robert Mulligan, Brentwood Productions, 1962.

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Waugh, Evelyn. Diary Entry. 26 March 1962.

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Auden, W. H. "D. H. Lawrence." The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays. Random House, 1962.

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Kennedy, John F. Address on Soviet missiles in Cuba. 22 Oct. 1962, The White House, Washington, DC, USA. Radio and television address.

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Kennedy, John F. Address on nation's space effort. 12 Sept. 1962, Rice University Stadium, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA.

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Friedman, Milton. Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press, 1962, ch. 1.

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The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Directed by John Ford, John Ford Productions, 1962.

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.

Ernest Rutherford

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Rutherford, Ernest. Quoted in Rutherford at Manchester, by J. B. Birks. Heywood and Company, 1962.

Selfhood begins with a walking away,
And love is proved in the letting go.

Cecil Day-Lewis

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Day-Lewis, Cecil. "Walking Away." The Gate, and Other Poems. London: Jonathan Cape, 1962, I. 19.

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Mead, Margaret. Male & Female. Pelican, 1962, introduction.

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Gregory, Dick. "New York City." From the Back of the Bus. Dutton, 1962.

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Frankfurter, Felix. Dissenting Opinion. Baker v. Carr. United States Reports, vol. 369, 26 Mar. 1962, pp. 266-349. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/369/186/.

We're eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked.

Dean Rusk

On the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 24th, 1962.

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Rusk, Dean. Quoted in "In Time of Crisis." Written by Stewart Alsop and Charles Bartlett. The Saturday Evening Post, 8 Dec. 1962. Originally spoken during a private conversation with McGeorge Bundy. ExComm meeting. 14 Oct. 1962, Cabinet Room, West Wing, The White House, Washington, DC, USA.

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Jung, Carl and Aniela Jaffé. Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken [Memories, Dreams, Reflections], translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Exlibris, 1962.

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Porter, Katherine Anne. Ship of Fools. Little, Brown and Company, 1962, pt. 3.