Explore 28 quotes from the year 1974

Too often we give our children the answers to remember rather than the problems to solve.

Roger Lewin

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Lewin, Roger. "Observing the Brain Through a Cat's Eyes." The Saturday Review, 5 Oct. 1974.

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Chinatown. Directed by Roman Polanski, Long Road Productions/Robert Evans Company, 1974.

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When We Were Kings. Directed by Leon Gast. Performed by Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. Gramercy Pictures, Jan. 1996. Originally a press conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. 17 Sept. 1974, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, NY, USA.

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Jordan, Barbara. Statement at Debate on Articles of Impeachment. U.S. House Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearings. 25 July 1974, Washington, DC, USA.

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Chinatown. Directed by Roman Polanski, Long Road Productions/Robert Evans Company, 1974.

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Blazing Saddles. Directed by Mel Brooks, Crossbow Productions, 1974.

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Evans, Walker. Interviewed by Yale Alumni Magazine. 1974.

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Davis, Angela. Angela Davis: An Autobiography. Random House, 1974, ch. 1.