Explore 37 quotes from the year 1978

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Original Citation

Adams, Douglas. "Fit the Fifth." The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Primary Phase. BBC Radio 4, London, England, UK, 5 Apr. 1978.

Current Citation

Adams, Douglas. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Pan Books, 1980, ch. 18.

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Carter, Jimmy. Remarks at the 100th Anniversary Luncheon of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. 100th Anniversary Luncheon of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. 4 May 1978, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

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Fuller, Richard Buckminster. "Bucky Fuller Gives Us 8 Years." Interviewed by Larry Batson. Minneapolis Tribune, 30 Apr. 1978.

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Fairlie, Henry. "Lust or Luxuria." The Seven Deadly Sins Today. New Republic Books, 1978.

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Sheed, Wilfrid. The Good Word & Other Words. E. P. Dutton, 1978, pt. 1, ch. 12.

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Thomas, Lewis. Address given at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. c. 1978, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA.

History does not provide us with any instance of a society that repressed the economic liberties of the individual while being solicitous of his other liberties.

Irving Kristol

Two Cheers for Capitalism

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Kristol, Irving. Two Cheers for Capitalism. Basic Books, 1978, preface.

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Steinem, Gloria. "Erotica vs. Pornography." Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1983. Originally published c. 1978, publisher unknown.

It's better to burn out
Than to fade away.

Neil Young

My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)

Quoted by Kurt Cobain in his suicide note.

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Young, Neil and Jeff Blackburn. "My, My, Hey, Hey (Out of the Blue)." Performed by Neil Young and Crazy Horse. Rust Never Sleeps. Reprise Records, 1979.

You can't kill the boogeyman!


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Halloween. Directed by John Carpenter, Compass International Pictures/Falcon International Productions, 1978.

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Grease. Directed by Randal Kleiser, Allan Carr Enterprises/Stigwood Group, 1978.

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Original Citation

Stoppard, Tom. Night and Day. 8 Nov. 1978, Phoenix Theatre, London, England, UK, act 1.

Current Citation

Stoppard, Tom. Night and Day. Grove Press, 2018, act 1.

Life is a game... And you keep score with dollars.

Ted Turner

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Turner, Ted. "Playboy Interview: Ted Turner." Interviewed by Peter Ross Range. Playboy Magazine, Aug. 1978.

In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.

Harry A. Blackmun

Regents of University of California v. Bakke

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Blackmun, Harry. United States, Supreme Court. Regents of University of California v. Bakke. United States Reports, vol. 438, 28 June 1978, pp. 265-421. Justia, supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/438/265/.

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Superman: The Movie. Directed by Richard Donner, Dovemead Films, 1978.

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Brenan, Gerald. Thoughts in a Dry Season: A Miscellany. Cambridge University Press, 1978.

Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Adams, Douglas. "Fit the Third." The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Primary Phase. BBC Radio 4, London, England, UK, 22 Mar. 1978.

Current Citation

Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Pan Books, 1979, ch. 23.