
Explore 76 quotes from the 1750s

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. Philosophical Enquiry in the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. London: R and J. Dodsley, 1757, pt. 4, sect. 18.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. "Philosophical Enquiry in the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009, pt. 4, sect. 18.

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Authentication Score 3


Savile, George. "Of Anger." A Character of King Charles The Second and Political, Moral and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections. London: J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1750.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Burke, Edmund. Philosophical Enquiry in the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. London: R and J. Dodsley, 1757, pt. 2, sect. 2.

Current Citation

Burke, Edmund. "Philosophical Enquiry in the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful." The Portable Edmund Burke, edited by Isaac Kramnick. Penguin, 2009, pt. 2, sect. 2.

The noblest conquest man has ever made.

Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon

On horses.

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Authentication Score 2


Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc. "Le Cheval [The Horse]." Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi [Natural History, General and Particular, with a Description of the King's Cabinet]. Vol. 4, c. 1753.

Authentication Score 2


Savile, George. "Of Punishment." A Character of King Charles The Second and Political, Moral and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections. London: J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1750.

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Authentication Score 3


Johnson, Samuel. "Idler." Universal Chronicle, 11 Nov. 1758, no. 30.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Gray, Thomas. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. London: Robert Dodsley, 1751.

Current Citation

Gray, Thomas. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." Elegy Written In Country Churchyard and Other Poems. Penguin Classics, 2009.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Gray, Thomas. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. London: Robert Dodsley, 1751.

Current Citation

Gray, Thomas. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." Elegy Written In Country Churchyard and Other Poems. Penguin Classics, 2009.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard Improved. Philadelphia, 1750.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard Improved." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Voltaire. Candide, ou l'Optimisme [Candide: or, All for the Best]. Geneva: Gabriel Cramer, 1759, ch. 30.

Current Citation

Voltaire. Candide, edited by Nicholas Cronk. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016, ch. 30.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard Improved. Philadelphia, 1752.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard Improved." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard Improved. Philadelphia, 1758.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard Improved." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Hooker, Richard. Quoted in A Dictionary of the English Language, by Samuel Johnson. London: J & P Knapton, 1755, preface.

Current Citation

Hooker, Richard. Quoted in A Dictionary of the English Language: An Anthology, by Samuel Johnson. Penguin Classics, 2007, preface.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Hume, David. "Of Money." Political Discourses. Edinburgh: A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson, 1752, no. 3.

Current Citation

Hume, David. "Of Money." Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary: Volumes 1 and 2, edited by Tom L. Beauchamp and Mark A Box. Oxford University Press, 2022, pt. 2, no. 3.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Franklin, Benjamin [published as Richard Saunders]. Poor Richard Improved. Philadelphia, 1750.

Current Citation

Franklin, Benjamin. "Poor Richard Improved." Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay. Library of America, 2005.

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Authentication Score 1

Original Citation

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. Letter to Lady Bute. 30 May 1756.

Current Citation

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley. "Letter to Lady Bute." The Complete Letters of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: Volume III: 1752-1762, edited by Robert Halsband. Oxford University Press, 1967.

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Authentication Score 3

Original Citation

Johnson, Samuel. The Prince of Abissinia: A Tale. London: R. and J. Dodsley/W. Johnston, 1759, ch. 26.

Current Citation

Johnson, Samuel. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Penguin Classics, 2007, ch. 26.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. London: Andrew Millar/Edinburgh: Alexander Kincaid and J. Bell, 1759, pt. 1, sect. 1, ch. 1.

Current Citation

Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by Ryan Patrick Hanley. Penguin, 2010, pt. 1, sect. 1, ch. 1.

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Authentication Score 1


Voltaire. Essai sur l'Histoire Generale et sur les Moeurs et l'Espri des Nations [An Essay on Universal History, the Manners, and Spirit of Nations]. Geneva: Gabriel Cramer, 1756, ch. 70.

Authentication Score 2

Original Citation

Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments. London: Andrew Millar/Edinburgh: Alexander Kincaid and J. Bell, 1759, pt. 3, ch. 3.

Current Citation

Smith, Adam. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by Ryan Patrick Hanley. Penguin, 2010, pt. 3, ch. 3.